Laboratory information system for automation and integrated process management in medical laboratories
L@B-IS® is a verified, open system that supports an integrated approach to laboratory work, while our development and support teams endeavour to provide quality and continuity in each step of the way.
Based on internationally recognised clinical laboratory standards (CLSI)
It allows for high data traceability in the laboratory
less room for errors
less paperwork
faster production of medical reports
L@B-IS® modules

Main advantages
compliance with international standards such as the CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute),
compliance with the recommendations of the OECD GLP (Good Laboratory Practice),
compliance with standard operating procedures (SOP) in medical laboratories,
prepared documentation for verifying system in line with the CLSI AUTO8-A standard,
modular structure,
the module supports more than 100 different analysers,
we specialise in medical informatics,
we are certified with ISO 9001:2000 for quality management systems, and in the process of obtaining the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for information security management system.
Modular structure
L@B-IS® has a modular structure, which means that each module represents an independent set of functionalities, while the modules are complementary to each other.
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SI-1000 Ljubljana
VAT identification number: SI 95338098
Company registration number: 1190776000

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