Module for transferring data from hospital/outpatient systems to analysers
The module allows electronic receipt of orders from outpatient or hospital information systems, sending orders and tests to devices, and, of course, sending the results back to the existing information system.
On a daily basis, medical institutions are getting increasingly smart medical devices that facilitate the diagnosis. With an extended L@B-IS® Ana module, we want to make it easier for you, so that all test results are simply gathered in one place – your information system. Until now, the L@B-IS® Ana module was used to link laboratory analysers to the L@B-IS® information system; we now extended its functionality so as to cover all medical devices and implement state of the art data collection methods.
The module supports all three types of communication with devices:
query mode in which the device is fully automatised;
two-way communication transferring orders to the device through worklists;
one-way communication allowing only the transmission of results.
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