Modul for connection to information systems of outpatient clinics and hospitals
This is a standard connection interface in line with CLSI (HL7) requirements. Through this module, L@B-IS® establishes the connection with all hospital and outpatient clinic systems currently used in Slovenia (Birpis 21 ISOZ21, Medis, Hipokrat, WebDoctor and ProMedica). It also allows the use of a single order form for ordering laboratory tests for both laboratory and hospital or outpatient information systems.
In this way, smaller laboratories can virtually perform other tests and therefore allow patients to have samples taken in one place and thus avoid unnecessary visits to several health care institutions.
If you need to exchange orders and results with other laboratories, we offer you the possibility of direct order exchange with all L@B-IS® users. In that case, samples will be immediately and correctly labelled with our L@B-IS® label and tag, which you already know well, and you can start working with the analyser right away. Here, too, digital certificates provide the highest level of security.
Advantages for the user
electronic document exchange
faster data exchange
less paperwork
tracking samples from the source
better data quality
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